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    • FR: parmorceaux(



    New piecewise function to support entry of functions as they are seen in textbook. This command can be found in » MATH B:piecewise(

    Comment:CE OS 5.3+

    Availability: Token available everywhere.






    The piecewise( command is a new addition in the release of OS 5.3 for the TI-84 Plus CE. As implied, it allows for the graphing of piecewise functions in the Y= editor. The example code demonstrates how this works from within a program.

    :Input "Y1=",Str1
    :Input "Y2=",Str2

    Advanced Uses

    One use of the piecewise( function is to evaluate an expression for a given value of X. For example:


    This code will return the value of the expression if X≥0. So if X=0, then the program will return a value of 2. If X=3, it will return a value of 11. If X=-5, it will return an error.


    This command can simplify and compact the usage of piecewise expressions in programs. If you have less than 6 conditions that will never overlap, and they all affect a single variable, you can use the piecewise( command to make your code smaller, as shown below. Beware of comparability, though.

    :If X<2
    can be

    Error Conditions

    • ERR:INVALID is thrown if expressions are not defined.
    • ERR:DATA TYPE is thrown if a quotation mark is not placed before a piecewise command that is to be stored to an equation variable.

    See Also

    Source: parts of this page were written by the following TI|BD contributors: Battlesquid, iPhoenixOnTIBD, kg583, Myles_Zadok.


    Calculator OS Version Description
    TI-84+CE 5.3.0 Added

    Last update: September 30, 2023 15:38:51
    Created: February 23, 2023 23:15:01
    Authors: Adrien Bertrand