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Property Value
Hex Value $EF1B
    • FR: ZFrac1⁄5



    Sets the window variables so that you can trace in increments of , if possible. Sets TraceStepto and ΔX and ΔYto .

    Availability: Token available everywhere.




    zoom, ZOOM, E:ZFrac1/5


    ZFrac_X_ refers to a collection of Zoom commands in for the OS 2.53MP and up. The calculator boasts six such commands, each replacing X with a fraction of some sort. The commands all essentially operate in the same manner, so they are all covered here on this page.

    This command centers the origin of the graph and makes each pixel X units tall and wide where "X" refers to the suffix of the command. For example, ZFrac1/3 makes each pixel a length of and height of 1/3, which means that each square unit would be a 3x3 square of pixels. It also sets Xscale and Yscale to 1.

    It is useful when the users wants each pixel to be a uniform length and height, though other commands such as ZSquare, ZDecimal, and ZInteger also create a friendly window, and being more compatible, they would be more useful in programming across calculators.

    The following is a list of the available ZFrac_X_ commands:

    • ZFrac1/2
    • ZFrac1/3
    • ZFrac1/4
    • ZFrac1/5
    • ZFrac1/8
    • ZFrac1/10

    Source: parts of this page were written by the following TI|BD contributors: Timothy Foster, Xeda Elnara.


    Calculator OS Version Description
    TI-84+ 2.53 Added

    Last update: September 30, 2023 15:38:51
    Created: February 23, 2023 23:15:01
    Authors: Adrien Bertrand