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Property Value
Hex Value $BB6A
  • FR: Asm(



Availability: Token available everywhere.




The Asm( command is used for running an assembly program. Unlike TI-Basic programs, assembly programs are written in the calculator's machine code directly, which makes them more powerful in both speed and functionality. However, it also means that if they crash, they crash hard — there is no built-in error menu to protect you.

Keep in mind that many assembly programs these days are written for a shell such as Ion or MirageOS. If you're dealing with one of those programs, calling Asm( on it will do nothing; you need to get the appropriate shell and run that instead.

With the AsmPrgm and AsmComp( commands, you can create small assembly programs yourself, directly on the calculator. If you are using at TI-84+CE with OS 5.3, the Asm( is unnecessary to run such programs.

Error Conditions

  • ERR:INVALID is thrown if the program isn't an assembly program.

See Also

Source: parts of this page were written by the following TI|BD contributors: burr, DarkerLine, GoVegan, kg583, Myles_Zadok, Trenly.


Calculator OS Version Description
TI-83+ 0.103 Added

Last update: September 30, 2023 15:38:51
Created: February 23, 2023 23:15:01
Authors: Adrien Bertrand