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Property Value
Hex Value $2C
  • FR: 𝑖



Returns the complex number i.

Comment:Complex i

Availability: Token available everywhere.




2nd, 𝑖


The 𝑖 symbol is short for √(-1), and is used for complex numbers in algebra and complex analysis. On the calculator, entering 𝑖 will not cause an error, even in Real mode, but operations that result in a complex number (such as taking the square root of a negative number) will. If you're dealing with complex numbers, then, it's best to switch to a+b𝑖 or r𝑒^θ𝑖 mode.

Advanced Uses

By using 𝑖 in a calculation, the calculator switches to complex number mode to do it, even if in Real mode. So √(-1) will throw an ERR:NONREAL ANS, but √(0𝑖-1) will not (even though it's the same number). This can be used to force calculations to be done using complex numbers regardless of the mode setting — usually by adding or subtracting 0𝑖, although more clever ways can be found.

A good example of this technique is our Quadratic Formula routine.

See Also

Source: parts of this page were written by the following TI|BD contributors: burr, CloudVariable, DarkerLine, GoVegan.


Calculator OS Version Description
TI-82 1.0 Added

Last update: June 1, 2024 13:00:50
Created: February 23, 2023 23:15:01
Authors: Adrien Bertrand