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Property Value
Hex Value $EF5B
    • FR: ArrPlanAff



    Displays a menu the Background Image Var n (Image#n) specified in the graph area.

    Availability: Token only available from within the Basic editor.


    BackgroundOn n


    2nd, draw, BACKGROUND, 1:BackgroundOn


    With the introduction of color and a higher resolution screen than the monochrome calculators, the TI-84+CSE and TI-84+CE included the ability to display a background image on the graphscreen. The images variables are similar to the picture variables in that there 10 slots. In addition, functions can be drawn on top of images.

    BackgroundOn recalls an image variable or color and displays it on the graphscreen.

    :BackgroundOn Image1
    is the same as
    :BackgroundOn 1

    Intrestingly, the following is a valid syntax, which fills the graphscreen with a light blue (18).

    :BackgroundOn B+3

    In addition, BackgroundOn can be used to fill the graphscreen with a solid color. The color variables range from 10 to 24, blue to dark gray, as documented here. For example, BackgroundOn 12 will fill the graphscreen with black.

    :BackgroundOn 12

    Error Conditions

    • ERR:DOMAIN is thrown if the number is not an integer between 0 and 24.

    Source: parts of this page were written by the following TI|BD contributors: Battlesquid, Electromagnet8, MrWompWomp, Myles_Zadok, Trenly.


    Calculator OS Version Description
    TI-84+CSE 4.0 Added

    Last update: September 30, 2023 15:38:51
    Created: February 23, 2023 23:15:01
    Authors: Adrien Bertrand