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Property Value
Hex Value $EB
    • FR: ʟ



    Identifies the next one to five characters as a user-created list name.

    Availability: Token available everywhere.






    2nd, list, OPS, B:


    The ʟ character is used at the start of the name of any custom list you create, for example:


    In most cases you need to include this when accessing or manipulating a custom list (although there's a few exceptions, see the Optimization section below). You do not need this character when accessing the the default lists L₁L₆).

    The maximum length of the list name (not including the ʟ) is five letters. ʟABCDE works, but ʟABCDEF does not. List names must start with a letter A-Z but can also include numbers so ʟLIST1 and ʟLIST2 are valid list names, but ʟ123 is not.

    There are two ways to insert this character:

    1. Press 2nd, LIST, press right arrow to access the OPS menu, scroll to the bottom, and press ENTER to insert the ʟ character. You can then type the rest of the name of your list.
    2. If your custom list already exists, you can press 2nd, LIST, select the name of your list, and press ENTER. The whole name including the ʟ character will be inserted.


    You don't actually need to include the ʟ command when storing (→) to a list.


    Although the name X as used above also matches the name of a regular real variable, since the data being stored is a list, it will be saved to ʟX.

    When storing to a specific list item, you MUST still include the ʟ character:


    Some of the list commands also allow for leaving off the ʟ character, such as SetUpEditor. However, be careful when doing so with Input and Prompt because you might only be asking the user to input a list, but if a real value is entered, it would be saved to a real variable instead.

    Error Conditions

    • ERR:SYNTAX is thrown if you try to reference/create a list with more than 5 characters in its name.
    • ERR:UNDEFINED is thrown if you try to use ʟ on an undefined list.

    Source: parts of this page were written by the following TI|BD contributors: burr, DarkerLine, GoVegan, kg583, Timtech.


    Calculator OS Version Description
    TI-83 0.01013 Added

    Last update: July 29, 2024 19:47:40
    Created: February 23, 2023 23:15:01
    Authors: Adrien Bertrand