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Hex Value $BB4A
  • FR: ListesDéfaut



Removes all list names from the stat list editor, and then restores list names L1 through L6 to columns 1 through 6.

Availability: Token available everywhere.




stat, EDIT, 5:SetUpEditor


Removes all list names from the stat list editor, then sets it up to display one or more listnames in the specified order, starting with column 1.

Availability: Token available everywhere.


SetUpEditor listname1[,listname2,...,listname20]




stat, EDIT, 5:SetUpEditor


The SetUpEditor command is used to define which lists are shown in the List Editor (which can be accessed by pressing [STAT] [ENTER] [Edit…]). The list editor provides a convenient interface for viewing and editing items inside lists (especially when the elements of two lists are connected to each other, such as a list for X-coordinates and one for Y-coordinates, since they will be shown in the same row).

If the command is called without any arguments, it uses the default six lists: L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, and L6.


However, you can use it to select any lists that you have defined, or even lists that are archived or not yet defined. To do this, simply put the lists you want as arguments to the command. For example, if you want to edit the lists FOO and BAR, do:

:SetUpEditor FOO,BAR

Both the list editor itself and the SetUpEditor command support up to 20 lists. If you specify more than 20, the 21st and beyond will be ignored.

The List Editor doesn't do anything when you are running a program, so it may seem as though SetUpEditor is nearly useless in programs. This is not the case, however, because of SetUpEditor's powerful side effect: if the lists it is given as arguments are archived, it will unarchive them. If they don't exist, it will create empty lists with zero items. If the lists exist, the items stored inside are not modified.

Advanced Uses

Due to this side effect, SetUpEditor can be used for lists with external data such as saved games or high scores. When the user first runs the program, the assumption is you don't know anything about the state of those lists: they may be archived, or they may not even exist. You can deal with both of those individually: storing to the dimension will create the list if it didn't exist, and the UnArchive command will move the list to RAM if it wasn't there.

However, if you're wrong about the list, both of these commands will cause an error. If the list exists but is archived, storing to its dimension will cause an ERR:ARCHIVE error. If the list doesn't exist, unarchiving it will cause an ERR:UNDEFINED error. Sounds like a vicious circle.

The SetUpEditor command allows you to deal with both of these problems at once. Say the program saves its data in LSAVE. Use the SetUpEditor command on it, and from then on you know that the list exists AND that it is unarchived.

:SetUpEditor SAVE

At the end of the program, you should clean up after yourself, though. You don't want the user to see the list SAVE in the editor (he might be tempted to edit it and give himself a huge high score, for one thing). So you should use the SetUpEditor command again, this time without arguments, to reset the editor to its default state.

For more information about using SetUpEditor in the context of saving data, see the page on saving.

Similar Commands

See Also

Source: parts of this page were written by the following TI|BD contributors: 2Tie, burr, DarkerLine, GoVegan, Timothy Foster.


Calculator OS Version Description
TI-83 0.01013 Added

Last update: July 29, 2024 19:47:40
Created: February 23, 2023 23:15:01
Authors: Adrien Bertrand