class documentation

Base class for all list entries

A list entry is a one-dimensional array of RealEntry or ComplexEntry elements. Exact types are supported.

Method __format__ Formats this entry for string representations
Method __init__ Creates an empty entry with specified meta and data values
Method __iter__ No summary
Method calc_data The data section of the entry which is loaded on-calc
Method coerce Coerces this entry to a subclass if possible using the entry's type ID
Method data The entry's user data
Method get_min_os Determines the minimum OS that supports this entry's data
Method get_version Determines the version byte corresponding to given data for this entry type
Method length The length of the list
Method list No summary
Method load_bytes Loads a byte string or bytestream into this entry
Method load_list Loads a sequence into this list
Method load_string Loads this entry from a string representation
Method name The name of the entry
Method supported_by Determines whether a given model can support this entry
Class Variable min_data_length The minimum length of this entry's data
Class Variable versions The possible versions of this entry

Inherited from TIEntry:

Class Raw Raw bytes container for TIEntry
Class Method get Converts bytes -> TIEntry
Class Method get_type Gets the subclass corresponding to a type ID if one is registered
Class Method open Creates a new entry from a file given a filename
Class Method register Registers a subtype with this class for coercion
Class Method set Converts TIEntry -> bytes
Static Method next_entry_length Helper function to determine the length of the next entry in a bytestream
Method __bool__ No summary
Method __bytes__ No summary
Method __copy__ No summary
Method __eq__ Determines if two entries are the same type and have the same bytes
Method __len__ No summary
Method __str__ No summary
Method archive Archives this entry (if supported)
Method archived Whether the entry is archived
Method bytes The bytes contained in this entry, without any var file header or metadata.
Method clear Clears this entry's data
Method dict No summary
Method export Exports this entry to a TIVar with a specified name, header, and target model
Method load_data_section Loads the data of this entry from a bytestream
Method load_dict Loads this entry from a JSON dictionary representation
Method load_from_file Loads this entry from a file given a file pointer and offset
Method meta_length The length of the meta section of the entry
Method save Saves this entry as a var file in the current directory given a filename and optional header and targeted model
Method string No summary
Method type_id The type ID of the entry
Method unarchive Unarchives this entry (if supported)
Method version The version number of the entry
Class Variable base_meta_length Undocumented
Class Variable extensions The file extension used for this entry per-model
Class Variable flash_meta_length Undocumented
Class Variable flash_only Whether this entry only supports flash chips
Class Variable leading_data_bytes Bytes that always begin this entry's data
Class Variable leading_name_byte Byte that always begins the name of this entry
Instance Variable raw Undocumented
Property calc_data_length The length of the data section of the entry
Property flash_bytes The flash bytes of this entry if they exist
Property is_empty Whether this entry's data is empty
Property meta The meta section of this entry
Method __init_subclass__ Undocumented
Constant _T Undocumented
Class Variable _type_id Undocumented
Class Variable _type_ids Undocumented

Inherited from Dock (via TIEntry):

Method load Loads data into an instance by delegating to Loader methods based on the input's type
Class Variable loaders Undocumented
def __format__(self, format_spec: str) -> str: (source)

Formats this entry for string representations

format_spec:strThe format parameters
strA string representation of this entry
def __init__(self, init=None, *, for_flash: bool = True, name: str = 'L1', version: int = None, archived: bool = None, data: bytes = None): (source)

Creates an empty entry with specified meta and data values

The entry version and archived flag are invalid if for_flash == False.

initValues to initialize the entry's data (defaults to None)
for_flash:boolWhether the entry supports flash chips (defaults to True)
name:strThe name of the entry (defaults to a valid default name)
version:intThe entry's version (defaults to None)
archived:boolWhether the entry is archived (defaults to entry's default state on-calc)
data:bytesThe entry's data (defaults to empty)
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[_E]: (source)
Iterator[_E]If this entry is a container or collection, an iterator over its elements
def calc_data(self) -> bytes: (source)

The data section of the entry which is loaded on-calc

def coerce(self): (source)

Coerces this entry to a subclass if possible using the entry's type ID

Valid types must be registered to be considered for coercion.

@View(calc_data, Bytes)[2:]
def data(self) -> bytes: (source)

The entry's user data

def get_min_os(self, data: bytes = None) -> OsVersion: (source)

Determines the minimum OS that supports this entry's data

data:bytesThe data to find the minimum support for (defaults to this entry's data)
OsVersionThe minimum OsVersion this entry supports
def get_version(self, data: bytes = None) -> int: (source)

Determines the version byte corresponding to given data for this entry type

Entries which could contain non-backwards compatible data are assigned a version byte. If an entry's version exceeds the "version" of a calculator, transfer to the calculator will fail.

data:bytesThe data to find the version of (defaults to this entry's data)
intThe version byte for data
@View(calc_data, Integer)[0:2]
def length(self, value) -> int: (source)

The length of the list

TI-OS imposes a limit of 999.

def list(self) -> list[_E]: (source)
list[_E]A list of the elements in this list
@Loader[bytes, bytearray, BytesIO]
def load_bytes(self, data: bytes | BytesIO): (source)

Loads a byte string or bytestream into this entry

data:bytes | BytesIOThe bytes to load
def load_list(self, lst: Sequence[_E]): (source)

Loads a sequence into this list

lst:Sequence[_E]The list to load
def load_string(self, string: str): (source)

Loads this entry from a string representation

If there is no dedicated handler for an entry type, all subclasses of the type will be considered.

string:strThe string to load
@Section(8, ListName)
def name(self) -> str: (source)

The name of the entry

Names must be 1 to 5 characters in length. The name can include any characters A-Z, 0-9, or θ. The name cannot start with a digit; for these lists, use L1 - L6 instead.

def supported_by(self, model: TIModel) -> bool: (source)

Determines whether a given model can support this entry

model:TIModelThe model to check support for
boolWhether model supports this entry
min_data_length: int = (source)

The minimum length of this entry's data

If an entry's data is fixed in size, this value is necessarily the length of the data

versions: list[int] = (source)

The possible versions of this entry