class documentation

Raw bytes container for TIEntry

Any class with a distinct byte format requires its own Raw class to contain its data sections. Each data section must have a corresponding slot in Raw in order to use Converter classes.

The Raw class must also contain a bytes() method specifying the order of the data sections. Additional methods can also be included, but should be callable from the outer class.

Most entry types do not require a new Raw class since only the entry's data changes between types.

Method bytes No summary
Property calc_data_length The length of this entry's data portion
Property flash_bytes The flash bytes of this entry if they exist
Property meta The meta section of this entry
def bytes(self) -> bytes: (source)
bytesThe bytes contained in this entry
calc_data_length: bytes = (source)

The length of this entry's data portion

The flash bytes of this entry if they exist

The meta section of this entry