class documentation

Flags representing all calculator features

Class Variable Apps Whether the model supports apps
Class Variable Clock Whether the model has a real-time clock
Class Variable Color Whether the model has a color display
Class Variable Complex Whether the model supports complex numbers
Class Variable ExactMath Whether the model supports exact math for fractions and radicals
Class Variable eZ80 Whether the model has an eZ80 chip
Class Variable Flash Whether the model has a flash chip
Class Variable Python Whether the model supports Python

Inherited from Flags:

Class Method get Converts bytes -> Flags, splitting the byte into the corresponding bitfields
Class Method set Converts Flags -> bytes, packing the bitfields into the appropriate number of bytes
Method __contains__ Undocumented
Method __gt__ Undocumented
Method __init__ Creates an empty Flags instance with a given initial state and width
Method __int__ Undocumented
Method __str__ Undocumented
Constant _T Undocumented

Whether the model supports apps

Whether the model has a real-time clock

Whether the model has a color display

Whether the model supports complex numbers

ExactMath: dict[int, int] = (source)

Whether the model supports exact math for fractions and radicals

Whether the model has an eZ80 chip

Whether the model has a flash chip

Whether the model supports Python